Accelerate Your Transformation With Ritco Logistics Solutions
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At Ritco,

Together, we succeed.

To achieve our shared goals, our team believes in collaboration, the sharing of ideas, and working together.

We are always striving to improve.

Taking risks and seeking out new opportunities is how we strive to better ourselves, our work, and what we offer.

We have a collaborative and supportive work environment. Ritco welcomes everyone regardless of their gender or gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability. This creates a respectful, diverse, and inclusive workplace.

We are committed to Gender Equality. At Ritco, each employee receives Equal pay and Equal benefits for comparable roles with similar responsibilities. Everyone has equal opportunities to advance their careers. All employees' needs are considered equally. All employees feel respected and valued. The gender-diverse environment makes our employees recognize their fellow colleagues’ talents and strengths. It also helps them to improve on their weaknesses.

In this COVID era, it is crucial to take precautions and follow COVID behavior guidelines. In order to ensure the safety of our employees, we are taking all necessary precautions. We are plying buses for our employees to provide a travel-safe environment and reduce their interaction with strangers.